Du 25 au 26 octobre 2018
La septième rencontre Strasbourg-Zürich en analyse et probabilités aura lieu à l’IRMA de Strasbourg les 25 et 26 octobre 2018.
Organisation : Nalini Anantharaman(Strasbourg)
Liste des orateurs :
- Jean Bertoin
- Nicolas Curien
- Thomas Duquesne
- Alison Etheridge
- Igor Kortchemski
- Michel Ledoux
- Alain-Sol Sznitman
- Balint Toth
Pour plus d’informations, consulter le site officiel ou contacter directement les organisateurs. L'inscription à ces journées est possible ici.
Jeudi 25 octobre 2018
Balint Toth, Bristol / Budapest
Quenched CLT for random walk in divergence-free random drift field
Thomas Duquesne, Paris 6
Limits of multiplicative inhomogeneous random graphs and Lévy trees
Nicolas Curien, Université Paris-Sud
Critical parking on a random tree...and random planar maps!
Imagine a finite tree together with a configuration of particles (cars) at each vertex. Each car tries to park on its node, and if the latter is occupied, it moves downward towards the root trying to find an empty slot. This model has been studied recently by Lackner and Panholzer as well as Goldschmidt and Przykucki where is it shown that parking of all cars obeys a phase transition ruled by the density of cars We study the scaling limit of the configuration of cars at the critical density when the underlying tree is a uniform plane tree conditioned to be large. Surprisingly this fractal object is connected to stable looptree of parameter 3/2 and to processes encountered in the theory of random planar maps! The talk is based on ongoing work with Olivier Hénard. -
Vendredi 26 octobre 2018
Alain Sznitman, ETH Zurich
On porous interfaces and disconnection for the Gaussian free field
Igor Kortchemski, Ecole Polytechnique
The geometry of random minimal factorizations of a long cycle
Alison Etheridge, Oxford
Branching Brownian Motion, Mean Curvature Flow and the Motion of Hybrid Zones
Jean Bertoin, Université Zürich
A Feynman-Kac approach to growth-fragmentation equations
Michel Ledoux, Toulouse
On optimal matching of random samples