Séminaire Doctorants
organisé par l'équipe DOCT
Aurélien Minguella
A brief introduction to stochastic partial differential equations
13 mars 2025 - 16:30Salle de conférences IRMA
Stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) are the mathematical objects used to describe the random dynamics of infinite-dimensional objects. They take applications in a broad range of areas, from statistical and theoretical physics, to fluid mechanics. These objects display very rich mathematical behaviour and have known a gain of interest since Martin Hairer was awarded the Fields medal in 2014 for constructing a solution theory for a very broad class of singular equations.
In this talk, we will try to give a very quick overview of some simple SPDEs, but where some essential phenomena already arise. Some emphasis will be given on the invariant measures for such equations. We will first give a review of basic stochastic calculus and continue with an example of a linear SPDE: the stochastic heat equation. If time permits, we will give a more advanced example where a non-linear SPDE shows up as the scaling limit of the dynamics of a particle system. We will finish with an informal overview of the most recent theories and current challenges in the field.
Taichi Katayama
An Introduction to elliptic multiple zeta values and regularization
20 mars 2025 - 16:30Salle de conférences IRMA
In 2016, Enriquez introduced elliptic multiple zeta values (eMZVs) as analogues of multiple zeta values in genus 1 curves. In this talk, I will first give a brief introduction to eMZVs. Then, I will present my result showing that eMZVs with non-admissible indices can be expressed as polynomial combinations of eMZVs with admissible indices and eMZVs with specific indices consisting of 0 and 1. -
William Sarem
27 mars 2025 - 16:30Salle de conférences IRMA
Jean-Pierre Noot
3 avril 2025 - 16:30Salle de conférences IRMA
Hassan Ballout
10 avril 2025 - 16:30None
Salle C41 -
Lucas Noël
24 avril 2025 - 16:30Salle de conférences IRMA
Ludovic Felder
15 mai 2025 - 16:30Salle de conférences IRMA
Nicolas Pailliez
22 mai 2025 - 16:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
Lucas Bourgoin
5 juin 2025 - 16:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
Anaïs Meunier
12 juin 2025 - 16:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
Livia Grammatica
19 juin 2025 - 16:30Salle de conférences IRMA