Séminaire Géométrie et applications
organisé par l'équipe Géométrie
Vincent Dumoncel
A quasi-isometric classification of permutational wreath products
10 mars 2025 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
It is in general a hard problem to determine whether two given finitely generated groups are quasi-isometric, even among some "well behaved" classes. One such class, which has been the subject of intensive research in group theory, is the one of wreath products, as they often exhibit unexpected and interesting behaviours. The classification up to quasi-isometry of lamplighters over Z goes back to 2013, and in a recent work (2021), Genevois and Tessera extended it to all lamplighters over finitely presented one-ended groups. This raises the question of also classifying their permutational variants. In this context, strong rigidity phenomenon as the ones observed for standard wreath products do not hold, whence the need of another approach. After having introduced and discussed several re-inforcements of quasi-isometries, I will sketch the main guidelines of the proof of a quasi-isometric classification of some permutational wreath products, that covers a number of classical cases. If time permits, we will also discuss some applications and open problems. -
Elia Fioravanti
17 mars 2025 - 14:00Salle de séminaires IRMA
François Guéritaud
Sur le bord du cône limite des groupes anosoviens
17 mars 2025 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
Nous étudions le spectre logarithmique des sous-groupes discrets de SL(n,R). Spécifiquement, nous étudions les comportements extrémaux (plutôt que "statistiquement prédominants") parmi les éléments d'un tel groupe, dans un esprit proche de l'optimisation ergodique. Le thème central est que ces éléments extrémaux sont assez spéciaux, un peu à la manière des courbes simples et laminations géodésiques qui jouent un rôle dans l'étude par Thurston de la métrique de Lipschitz sur les espaces de Teichmüller. Travail commun avec J.Danciger et F.Kassel. -
Chikako Mese
Harmonic Maps into Euclidean Buildings
17 mars 2025 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
We establish a regularity result for equivariant harmonic maps from the universal cover of a Riemannian manifold into a Euclidean building, without assuming local finiteness. As an application, we prove a non-Archimedean superrigidity theorem for rank-1 symmetric spaces, extending the work of Gromov and Schoen, who proved p-adic superrigidity under the assumption of locally finite targets. This work is joint with C. Breiner and B. Dees. -
Mélanie Bertelson
à venir
24 mars 2025 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
Gabriele Viaggi
31 mars 2025 - 14:00Salle de séminaires IRMA
Blandine Galiay
31 mars 2025 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
Samuel Bronstein
21 avril 2025 - 14:00Salle de séminaires IRMA
Arthur Limoge
Floer homology in the Three-Body Problem
28 avril 2025 - 14:00Salle de séminaires IRMA
Floer homology can be interpreted as an algebraic topological reformulation of the famous Principle of Least Action from physics. In this talk, we will try to see how tools from Floer theory can be applied to celestial mechanics; in particular, the Three-Body Problem. This will build up on recent developments, done by Albers, Frauenfelder,... allowing to view the Three-Body Problem as a contact geometry problem; as well as on the notion of 'Local Wrapped Floer Homology', introduced in my thesis for this very purpose. -
Rémi Danain-Bertoncini
À venir
28 avril 2025 - 15:30Salle de séminaires IRMA
Arielle Marc-Zwecker
5 mai 2025 - 14:00Salle de séminaires IRMA